Councillor Abdul Hai: Covid, ethnicity, and the power of local leadership.
Twitter: @abs_hai What Camden Labour is doing to tackle the inequality the pandemic has exposed When Labour-run Camden Council learnt that Covid-19 was spreading across London and the UK, we knew it would be more important than ever to support our local communities and help to save lives in Camden. As the pandemic progressed, it […]
Councillor Danny Beales: How we are supporting our businesses and high streets through the virus pandemic.
Twitter: @dannybeales Councillor Danny Beales’ latest View from the Chamber article for Ham & High discusses how Camden Council is supporting local businesses throughout this crisis. The full article is below: From the King’s Cross Knowledge Quarter, to jewellery workshops in Hatton Garden, our fantastic markets or our creative music sector, businesses big and small […]
Councillor Adam Harrison: COVID mobilisation for safer, greener transport must continue
Twitter: @AdamDKHarrison On Thursday 14 May 2020, Councillor Adam Harrison wrote an article on Camden Council’s efforts to provide safer, greener transport across the borough for OnLondon. The full article is below: Some numbers are up, some are down. Up are sales of bicycles since the start of the corona crisis, but also up are […]
Covid-19 in Camden
We all know these are uncertain times, but something people should not have to worry about is having the support of their local council at a time when they need it most. These are particularly difficult times for the elderly and vulnerable in our community. Camden has been working to ensure help is available to […]